Today here in the good 'ole U.S.A. we celebrate "Good Friday." Surprisingly yes, we still -do- celebrate it publicly. But what is Good Friday? and as some (including myself) believe, what is Good Wednesday? (Long story for another blog Lol).
You might be asking yourself, "How could that Friday when Jesus died be good?" Well that is a great question actually! It is horrible that we as humans killed on a cross (crucified) God's perfect gift to us, His Son, Jesus the Messiah. Did God know this would happen? Sure. Was it part of His perfect plan to rescue people like us from our rebellious ways? Absolutely! So, why is it good? Well, Good because, see, we as people have a HUGE problem. That's huge with 10 to the 20th power attached to it. S I N. That is our problem. Not just a church word, it's real day-to-day stuff. We lie to each other, steal, lust, puff, brag about ourselves, cut people off in traffic, take God's name in vain. See, we as people do all of these things, because, it's our nature to do so. And what do we deserve for this? It may sound harsh, but it's not, we deserve to be separated from God forever. See, God is perfect, and cannot look at any of us who have sin. The good news is that Jesus His Son, died in our place, on the cross, to PAY for the HUGE insurmountable sin debt that we all have. Isn't that good news? See why it's called Good Friday?
OK, you might be telling yourself. That's great. SO Jesus died for our sins. Now what? Well, it's not enough just to know these things. We must receive them for ourselves. If you know about flying, buy a ticket, yet never get on a plane, the ticket pretty much doesn't help you out, right? Well, Jesus has paid for our debt of sin, and He simply says "Anyone who receives Me, to those people I will give the right to become children of God, simply by believing in My name-" -paraphrased from the Gospel of John. Once we change our mind about our sinful lives (repent) and believe (trust) that Jesus died for us, we are radically, powerfully, rescued from our sins, and transformed into the new, amazing person, that God intends us to be. WE get a new Passport, a heavenly one, to the Heavenly Kingdom! : ) "God has rescued us from the power of darkness and has brought us into the kingdom of the Son whom he loves" (from Colossians), Isn't that something to be thankful for?
If you never have admitted to God that you have blown it (sinned), and received Jesus' payment for your sins, isn't today a great day to do just that? On Good Friday?
: ) Simply just pray and do just that. God will hear. He's always listening to those who ask to be rescued. And three days later, He arose : ) (Proving that He is the Messiah, and can make us righteous before God).
It's great that you posed this question. My boss asked me why it was called "Good Friday" and I told her that it was when Christ was crucified. She says to me, "Then how in the world is it good?" I said, "Well, it sucked for him, but it was great for us!"