Thursday, February 12, 2009

Walking by Grace in "Grace City."

So I've been here nearly four weeks now! Time flies. I am so thankful for all that God is doing here. I am serving part-time as Youth Pastor at Northstar Baptist (a church plant/re-start) in Northern Las Vegas. The last few weeks we truly have seen God's grace at work. Not only have many visitors been coming, for Pastor Mike's "Fireproof" series, but 3 people indicated decisions last week to Trust Jesus and His sacrifice to be forgiven of their sins, and start their bran-new relationship with God. Much praise, props, and thanks to our Great God for what HE is doing there. Please keep us in prayer this coming Sunday, Feb. 15th, we will be showing the "Fireproof" Movie, and also Mike will be sharing the gospel at the end. Also please pray for God's direction, and guidance for the Youth Ministry.

The other day I actually awoke at 6:00 A.M. (I know many of you are probably sitting at your computer in disbelief), but when God reminds you to wake up, through speaking to your heart, it's a great idea! : ) I had needed some time to get away from "The city." Sometimes the sites and images which just simply come into view by driving through the city can distract you. I had a great time getting away to Red Rock National Canyon, just literally <10 miles West of Vegas. We recently had some snow, and inspired by Photographer Peter Lik (whose incredible galleries decorate the strip's casino malls), who took a picture of Red Rocks, just after the impressive December Snowfall. So, I had a great time reading the Word, praying for myself and for the city, for Eastern Europeans, for Northstar, and for God to get the glory props and credit for what HE is about to do in Grace City...."Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." Romans 5:20b

Also keep the Eastern European Ministry in your prayers. I have many leads, and God is opening many doors. Please pray for wisdom to know which avenues to follow, and which streets to u-turn. Also I am overwhelmed at opportunities to share the gospel with people from the follow countries: Israel, Brasil, Albania, Bulgaria,..and pray for those I've also met from Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, and other places. God is at work here!

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for you! we've gotta see this Fireproof movie...I keep hearing the best things about it!
