Thursday, February 19, 2009

Prayer IS the Battle.

So yeah it's funny how sometimes when God calls us to do something new, like say, picking up everything you own, and moving 1,941 miles across the United States of America, to a desert (surrounded by snow-capped mountains) that you might have to "figure out" things...Some of the questions I've been asking have been...

1) How do you reach around 15,000 Eastern Europeans in LV with an urgent message?

2) How do you even find those people?

3) How much cigarette smoke can you actually take in (second-hand) w/o getting lung cancer? (Seriously, in some of the cafe's it's bad. You need a fog light to find your way around ;)

4) How can I even meet the people in the first place, to reach them with the life-saving message, after I've found them, they being one of the 15,000 people in a city of 2,000,000 people?

The answer is, pretty simple once you think about it...


See, lots of us in the Western church think somehow that prayer is something we do AFTER the battle. The battle? That would be something that William Wallace would engage in...But what about the Spiritual Battle...could it be sharing a message from the Truth, sharing the life-saving message about Jesus, saving your marriage, feeding the poor, helping those with HIV, showing God's love to someone stuck in prostitution, etc...But, even though all of those things are important...We, I have lost the battle if I haven't prayed, First.

Prayer IS the Battle. Here is what Paul, one of the greatest prayers, and goers, said about it in The Bible "Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should. Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone." from the book of Colossians, in the New Testament. Chapter IV verses II through VI.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Walking by Grace in "Grace City."

So I've been here nearly four weeks now! Time flies. I am so thankful for all that God is doing here. I am serving part-time as Youth Pastor at Northstar Baptist (a church plant/re-start) in Northern Las Vegas. The last few weeks we truly have seen God's grace at work. Not only have many visitors been coming, for Pastor Mike's "Fireproof" series, but 3 people indicated decisions last week to Trust Jesus and His sacrifice to be forgiven of their sins, and start their bran-new relationship with God. Much praise, props, and thanks to our Great God for what HE is doing there. Please keep us in prayer this coming Sunday, Feb. 15th, we will be showing the "Fireproof" Movie, and also Mike will be sharing the gospel at the end. Also please pray for God's direction, and guidance for the Youth Ministry.

The other day I actually awoke at 6:00 A.M. (I know many of you are probably sitting at your computer in disbelief), but when God reminds you to wake up, through speaking to your heart, it's a great idea! : ) I had needed some time to get away from "The city." Sometimes the sites and images which just simply come into view by driving through the city can distract you. I had a great time getting away to Red Rock National Canyon, just literally <10 miles West of Vegas. We recently had some snow, and inspired by Photographer Peter Lik (whose incredible galleries decorate the strip's casino malls), who took a picture of Red Rocks, just after the impressive December Snowfall. So, I had a great time reading the Word, praying for myself and for the city, for Eastern Europeans, for Northstar, and for God to get the glory props and credit for what HE is about to do in Grace City...."Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." Romans 5:20b

Also keep the Eastern European Ministry in your prayers. I have many leads, and God is opening many doors. Please pray for wisdom to know which avenues to follow, and which streets to u-turn. Also I am overwhelmed at opportunities to share the gospel with people from the follow countries: Israel, Brasil, Albania, Bulgaria,..and pray for those I've also met from Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, and other places. God is at work here!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Life in Grace City.

I suppose that you could say I am getting "settled in," to a city of 2,000,000 people! But, I also guess that could take some time. It's exciting to see the little things that God does each day to encourage me, and remind me of why He brought me here.

Two days ago, in human terms it could have been a pretty "discouraging day." I had the opportunity to run into 2 or 3 Eastern Europeans at the Stratosphere Hotel (where many work). However, both of them were definitely not interested in a "Church" for Eastern Europeans, or spiritual things. In fact, the Ukrainian college-age girl I talked to, claimed to be Agnostic. I simply smiled at her, and thanked her for her time, saying "Dasvadanya" (Goodbye in Russian). My other Albanian friend who works there, had asked prayer for her husband who has sick of late, (which I agreed to), but because of their circumstances, they were not able to meet.

As I walked into the Stratosphere that day, "You and Me and all of these People" by Lifehouse was playing..This is a song that God used to confirm to me last July that indeed he had led me to Las Vegas, just after being able to share the good news about Jesus with two German friends...So to hear it again, was grace. And as I walked out, Michael W. Smith's song "Your Place in This World" from the Album Go WEST Young Man, was playing...So again, grace, encouragement, in what otherwise could have been discouraging. And as I walked to my car in the parking garage, on the 5th level, I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets imaginable...God's reminder, that He is Sovereign, loves Eastern Europeans far more than I could, and is working...It's my job just to Trust Him...He will open the right doors, in His timing, I just have to keep praying, seeking, asking, knocking. And I ask you to do the same. ;)